Vehicle Traacking System
A vehicle tracking is a system installed to enable the owner to track the vehicle's location. It allows an organization to monitor and manage its fleet of vehicles more effectively and efficiently. Our Vehicle Tracking System helps not only in tracking and identifying vehicles along with its owners and users, but also monitors its movement and pops with alerts and alarms accordingly.
With wide range of features and flexibility, VTS can be simply defined as:

- Affordable – Easy Plug and Play installation with low cost, Re usable Tags.
- Reliable – Reliable too for Data Security and Maintenance
- Flexible – With many user friendly features.
- Scalable – Easy to update with new builds and versions.
- Accurate – Data accuracy is maintained with automated processes of Import, Export and Verification.
A webcast is a media file distributed over the Internet using streaming media technology. A webcast may either be distributed live or on demand. Essentially, webcasting is “broadcasting” over the Internet. A webcast uses streaming media technology to take a single content source and distribute it to many simultaneous listeners/viewers. With our highly available internet we can web cast your event and get you reach to your viewers to their home.